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AHS Building Committee Minutes 6/13/2006
MINUTES - June 13, 2006

        I.      CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m. by Chairman Hank Frey.  Present were Messrs. Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Mrs. Dearstyne.  Mr. Papa came in late.  Mr. Paine was absent.

        II.     MINUTES OF PRECEDING MEETING - May 2, 2004
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mrs. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED;               That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committe amend the minutes of the May 2, 2004 Meeting to show that Messrs. Paine and Papa came in late.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.



        V.      UPDATE AND REPORT:
Mr. Boos reported that we have received assurances that the project has been approved.  We are now waiting to receive the formal letter of release, it will then be up to our Construction Manager to start the preparation for the Newsletter, Bid and Bid Review.  He reported any adjustments required by the State have been made.  Mr. Shopis from FIP reported that as soon as we receive the letter to proceed and this Committee gives us formal authorization to go ahead, we will immediately proceed with the project.  He reported the schedule previously submitted will be held. In response to a question from the Chair, it  was advised that this approval could be given subject to receipt of the letter from DEP.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Eacott, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee authorize the Construction Manager to go ahead with the bid package as soon as we receive the DEP's letter of approval.   
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

Mr. Shopis reported that there will not be much for the Committee to handle until time to prepare the brochure which is scheduled for August 1st  by which time the Cosntruction Manager will have a final amount for the project.  He feels the schedule previously submitted will be sufficient to complete the project.

It was the consensus of the Committee to cancel the July meeting, and schedule a meeting after August 1st so we can authorize actions necessary.

Mr. Boos reported that regarding the Town Council's request that the High School be designated as a Emergency Shelter, if needed.  He stated that any costs for this will be bid separately so we will have an audit trail.  These figures cannot be considered as part of the bid package.  The Town Manager reported the Council had approved an amount of $487,000 for the project, of which $187,000 is allocated in the 06/07 operating budget.

        VI.     OTHER BUSINESS
                A.  Approval of Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mr. Evans, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve payment of $8,466.45 in accordance with Kaestle Boos' invoice dated May 9, 2006.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans Papa and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

The Chairman reported on an invoice submitted by Mike Miller from EnviroScience
Consultants for Professional Service  Staff will review this and report back at the next meeting.

On a motion made by Mr. Evans, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED:               That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee approve the Chairman's investigating what work was done and report back   to the Committee.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, Papa and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

        V.      ADJOURN
On a motion made by Mr.Brighenti, it was voted:
RESOLVED;               That the AHS Renovations Additions Building Committee adjourn at 7:50 a.m.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Evans, papa and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

                                        Respectfully submitted,
                                        Ann L. Dearstyne, Secretary

Attest:  Elinor Burns. C;lerk